This week's lesson in life is: smoke detectors have a shelf life of 5 years. And apparently Denise and Todd's smoke detectors are 5 years old.
Here's what happened - We were all asleep one night when we woke up to the fire alarm going off. Once we all got up and determined everything was OK, we thought that it could have been triggered by the wild fires that were burning near Grantsville and went back to bed. About an hour or so later, we were awoken again from the fire alarm...this happened a couple more times through the night.
The next day Denise went and bought all new batteries, because someone told her that if the batteries are dying that it might go off and not chirp like it typically does. So, she changed all the batteries and it was hours before we heard anything...then as it got later and closer to us going to bed, they sounded again!
So, we decided to take them all down (because once the "bad" one went off they were triggering each other off) line them up and wait. Sure enough! We were able to find the culprit of our lost sleep and get some rest.
Might seem silly to write about - but we all found it pretty humorous at the time - or maybe it was the lack of sleep?