Friday, March 7, 2008

Getting older....

For Sid's birthday this year, I thought a night at the shooting range was just what he needed. I hadn't been before, but he has been a few times with Cameron and Todd. He is always ranting and raving about how "cool" it is, so we tried it out. I was actually surprised at how it was quite fun. But, I am not sure if it's the shooting that I enjoyed, or the fact that I got a higher score than he did.

Happy Birthday Sid!!

Bad Mom

Yesterday I felt like the worst mother in the world.

I put Avery on our bed as I always do for her afternoon nap, and turned the monitor on. Then I went about my business. She will usually nap for about an hour or so then start to jabber and talk to let me know she's awake. By the time I get to her, she's usually sitting upright smiling and as happy as can be, rested and ready to play.
Yesterday was different. About 20 min after I lay her down I heard a loud THUD from upstairs and then her screaming on the top of her lungs. I ran upstairs and she had nose dived right off the side of our bed! Luckily she was OK other than the rug burn on the tip of her nose! Poor baby! As soon as I scooped her up, she stopped crying, but then I felt like I could cry.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

10 months and two teeth later

Whew. 10 months. I never really understood when people would tell me to cherish Avery because it's all going to fly by until yesterday, when she hit 10 months old.
Where have I been? It is amazing how she has changed not only our lives but so many others --and she's only getting started.

Monday, March 3, 2008

It's official! We have our very own website. The father of one of Sid's students whipped this up for us. As you can see, it's still a work in progress, but hopefully this will get the word out about what Sid is doing in Stansbury Park...go ahead - take a look and let us know what you think!