Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Catching up

Hi Everyone! I didn't know we were so popular! I have had several friends and family ask why I haven't been updating our Blog as I have in the past. We truly have been quite busy.

Since I last posted, Little Miss Avery had a birthday! We had a great time. She loved all the friends and family and especially blowing out the candles. I can't believe my baby is two!

Memorial Day weekend we made the trek to Cedar City for Cameron's HS Graduation. We had a blast visiting with family from California and watching the kids run and play. On the way home we had the opportunity to visit Holden, Utah and see Sid's grandma/grandpa Nixon's graves. We have stopped there several times to drop off flowers, but we actually ran into Sid's great Aunt Betty and she filled us in on all kinds of family history.

We also attended the annual x96 BASH. It was a lot different this year, but I knew a lot more of the bands, which was nice. Cammie and his entourage also came up that weekend for a different concert, so everyone was cozy camping out in our basement. I think Sid counted 10 people at one time, (not including us). It was fun.

Sid and I started our own little business when we moved here just about two years ago - The Stansbury Park Guitar Academy - and we have had lots of success with it. We started with 10 students and now have an upwards of 60 give or take and a second instructor that we hired on 6 months ago. We never thought it would grow to what it is. A couple months ago we were notified that our rent we were paying to the local Club House in our neighborhood felt it wasn't enough and told us we had three months to get out or pay three times the rental fee we were currently paying (Which is 20% of profit). Through lots of meetings and several pleas from students and parents, the board disregarded our requests and stood by their decision. Since then we have had two other facilities that we thought we could make work, both of which had fallen through. We were all but sure our little business was going to be no more...BUT! I am happy to say that as of a week ago we have a space and we are back in business! What a relief! Sid and I have sacrificed a lot for this business and we were sick thinking that some self proclaimed "board members" could take that away from us! From the looks of it, it will be a much better suited space for us anyways, so I think it will work out for the better.

Other than that, we have just been busy with all the normal stuff - cars acting up, never ending sprinkler fixes, Avery with her back to back stomach flu that lasted almost three weeks, home repairs, and all those little things that seem to gobble up your day...I have said it before, but SERIOUSLY I will be better at keeping up. If anything to avoid the onslaught of demands to do better from all of you that love us so much! :)

Here are some random pics from the last couple months.