Friday, June 20, 2008

Our little family

A couple weeks ago Sid and I celebrated our 4th Anniversary! It's amazing to me all that we have been through and accomplished in this short time. It seems like just yesterday we were returning from our honeymoon to Boise - a new city to us - with no friends, no idea where anything was, and thinking - what do we do now? Looking back, those days were so easy and exciting starting our very own life together as a family.

Now here we are 4 years later. Though things are tough now with a house that won't sell in Boise, a leaking foundation here in Utah, scraping by on one income, and wondering how it all just "works out" each month, there is no doubt in my mind that I will look back in another 4 years and think that we had it easy now. There is no way that I can try to compare the times as newlyweds when Sid and I could do the simple things like sleep in on a Saturday, go to concerts, weekend getaways or a midnight movie to the joy and happiness that Avery brings to our lives each day...I think it's safe to say it's just getting better year after year. I am so blessed to have the life I do and the opportunity to have sweet Avery and Sid who takes care of us.
Thanks Sid for all you do for us and our little family! I love you!! Happy Anniversary!


carolee said...

You guys are just such a cute family! Those are darling pictures. Isn't it crazy how fast time flies? I seriously feel like I should still be in high school and my life now is just one big game of playing "house".

Amy.E said...

Happy anniversary and congrats on 4 years! What a wonderful life of blessings. I'm glad you are enjoying the new "season" of your life as a family of three! You are a handsome bunch, the 3 of you!

Terha said...

I love the pictures! Avery is getting so big!