Avery has been so good with everything going on...and I am so thankful for her. A couple of friends are helping me out with her this week while I'm in training, and she has just gone right along with it. Today when I went to get her from Kim's she didn't even look excited to see me. (ouch) I thought about her all day wondering what she was doing, bragged about her to all my new coworkers and it seems she didn't even notice I wasn't there. Hm.
But. On the flip side, I am very greatful for a child that is so easy going. I hope it stays this way!
Thanks Kim and Angie!! Couldn't have done this without you!
don't feel too bad that Avery wasn't jumping for joy when you picked her up. she was great the entire day and we loved having her, but she didn't once smile as big as she is here! nothing makes a child as happy as her mommy & daddy! :) Thanks again for letting us watch her, the kids & I loved having her!
Avery is looking too much like a little girl and not like a baby anymore. :( I miss her so much. I hope to see you guys at Thanksgiving. Don't feel bad, feel lucky. Avery has such a cute social personality. Way better than a screaming kid that hates the babysitter!
you've been tagged. check out my blog for details. :)
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