Saturday, October 13, 2007


Stacy, Lauren, Leah and my grandparents came to Cedar to visit my mom. So Sid, Avery and I went to see them too. It was a lot of fun. Lauren really wanted to see the snow - but it was too warm and all the snow that Cedar had gotten had allready melted. So, we had to think quick! Sid borrowed a 4-wheeler from his family and we took her on a short, but very fun ride. She LOVED it! She was screaming "woo-hoo" the whole time. Denny and I were on another 4-wheeler next to her to get some good action shots.
The best part is that Sid was sure to go slow for her, and she kept yelling "faster!!" Despite the sounds of the 4-wheelers, Den and I could hear her loud and clear.
I loved that she demanded to wear her sun glasses the whole time too. A girly girl through and through.

Sid, Lauren and Leah giving the 'rocker' sign.

Check out Sid's hair...and Lauren wanted to go faster! (Check out her snow boots)

Lauren smiling for the camera. They had just gone up and over the mound to the left of them. Den and I were too far behind to get shots of that one.

Another action shot. This is just behind my mom's house.

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